
May 28, 2024

Future State: Exploring Emerging Democratic Practices on Public Blockchains

Emerging societies are often the quickest to adopt innovations, as seen with the rapid uptake of crypto in Ukraine, Turkey, and Nigeria. Blockchain technology—with programmable economies, zk proofs, DAOs, and more—has the potential to leapfrog the development of communities, nations, and entire regions, accelerating mass adoption.


May 10, 2024

Introducing Smart Wallets on Common Ground

Account abstraction is a new buzzword in the web3 space. What is it and how are leveraging it on Common Ground?


Apr 19, 2024

Web3 Magic: How to create a paid membership community on Common Ground with Unlock Protocol

In this guide you learn how to create a paid membership community, leveraging NFTs, Unlock Protocol and of course, Common Ground.


Mar 29, 2024

What is the best wallet to get started in web3?

Wallets are your gateway to start exploring web3. But which wallet is actually safe to use and supportive of beginners? Let's look at the landscape and understand what's good!


Mar 15, 2024

Web3 Social: round up #7

I'm back with another web3 social round up, summarizing what's been happening in this little industry of ours in the past couple of weeks. A lot has happened since our last round up. Without further ado here's the latest and greatest in web3 social.


Mar 1, 2024

Web3 Social: round up #6

A lot has happened since our last web3 social round up! A slew of news & announcements made the round. So I'm happy to pick this format up again. Lesgooooo!


Feb 14, 2024

Web3 Social: round up #5

Aaand we're back with our weekly summary of what's new in web3 social. A lot has happened since our last web3 social round up! Let's get started.


Jan 31, 2024

Web3 Social: round up #4

We're back with our weekly summary of what's new in web3 social. I'm gathering so much intel every week on what's happening in this little industry of ours and I thought it's probably helpful for others too. A lot has happened since our last web3 social round up!

Dominic ·

Jan 17, 2024

Token gate anything on Common Ground with Roles

Everyone's heard of token gating, but what is it, and how do you leverage it on Common Ground?

Dominic ·

Nov 9, 2023

Universal Profiles by LUKSO are live on Common Ground

You can now use your brand new Universal Profile to sign into Common Ground. Find out how!

Florian ·

Nov 3, 2023

Web3 Social: weekly round up #3

We're back with our weekly summary of what's new in web3 social. I'm gathering so much intel every week on what's happening in this little industry of ours and I thought it's probably helpful for others too. So, here we go.

Florian ·

Oct 27, 2023

Web3 Social: weekly round up #2

I'm back with our weekly summary of what's new in web3 social. I'm gathering so much intel every week on what's happening in this little industry of ours and I thought it's probably helpful for others too. So, here we go.

Florian ·

Oct 13, 2023

Web3 Social: weekly round up #1

I'm starting a new series where I summarize what's new in web3 social. I'm gathering so much intel every week on what's happening in this little industry of ours and I thought it's probably helpful for others too. So, here we go.

Florian ·

Sep 29, 2023

Everything you were afraid to ask about web3

In this blog post we demystify common questions surrounding web3. From understanding web3 community platforms to diving into the potential of making money in web3, we've got you covered. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned tech enthusiast, this post offers insights for everyone!

Dominic Horn ·

Sep 15, 2023

Login with Fuel is live on Common Ground

We're proud to announce that the first part of our Fuel integration is live. You can now login or sign up with your Fuel wallets on Common Ground.

Florian ·

Sep 7, 2023

A Beginner's Guide to Building Communities in the Web3 Era with Common Ground

Transitioning to Web3 might seem like a daunting journey, but platforms like Common Ground make it intuitive and exciting. As you embrace these new tools and concepts, you're not just building a community; you're pioneering the future of online engagement.

Florian ·

Aug 29, 2023

5 tips for building your community as a creator

Whether you represent a creator, a brand or a group of like-minded people, building and maintaining a vibrant online community is critical to your success online.

Florian ·

Aug 28, 2023

How to build a community for your brand

Here are some hands-on tips for building a community, the benefits of having a community for your brand, and proven best practices for community management. Learn how to build a deeper connection with your customers, increase their loyalty, and gain valuable feedback for your brand. 📈

Florian ·

Jul 10, 2023

Quadratic Voting: Fostering Fairness in Online Communities

Quadratic Voting is a collective decision-making strategy that permits members to articulate the strength of their preferences, rather than merely indicating their stance.

Florian ·

Jun 10, 2023

Embracing Democratic Decision-Making: Learning from DAOs for Online Communities

Just as how voting mechanisms are pivotal for the operation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), they can be instrumental for the governance of online communities as well.

Florian ·

May 23, 2023

Community Building - what it is, how to do it and what it means

In an increasingly digital world where we are all more connected than ever before, community building plays a central role. But what does that actually mean?

Florian ·

May 18, 2023

Building a Web3-native Community Platform

This blog post explains how Common Ground respects user privacy, allows users to show their unique identities, and lets communities set their own rules. It also mentions future plans to add more cool features.

Florian ·

Apr 26, 2023

About us

About the founders of Common Ground and why building a new, fairer social network is important for democracy

Headshot of Florian Glatz

Florian Glatz ·

Mar 20, 2023

Our Roadmap for Q2 2023

We've been asked by some of our communities what the next few months will bring to the Common Ground platform in terms of new features and usability improvements. As promised, here is the rundown.

Headshot of Florian Glatz

Florian Glatz ·

Feb 12, 2023

The power of metaphors

What would be a good metaphor to describe Common Ground? We all have a vision of what this platform could one day turn into. Finding a good metaphor, can help other people see it already today, despite some missing features or other shortcomings.

Headshot of Florian Glatz

Flávia Macêdo ·

Jan 19, 2023

Community Spotlight - Collective Brain

If you want to be part of a Collective Intelligence community to find friends to connect and collaborate with, Collective Brain is the perfect spot.

Common Ground Newsletter

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© 2023 Common Ground. This website is provided by Common Ground Association, Dammstrasse 19, 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Common Ground Newsletter

Be the first to know about CG news. No spam, ever.

© 2023 Common Ground. This website is provided by Common Ground Association, Dammstrasse 19, 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Common Ground Newsletter

Be the first to know about CG news. No spam, ever.

© 2023 Common Ground. This website is provided by Common Ground Association, Dammstrasse 19, 6300 Zug, Switzerland